Antibiotics and Dental Care – Things You Need to Know

You don’t always need antibiotics at the dentist
Antibiotics are appropriate for some dental procedures. They are used to prevent or fight infections, but many toothaches and oral infections do not need antibiotics. Discuss options with your dentist. Always tell your dentist about any medical conditions or health changes.
What are antibiotics for dental care?
Antibiotics are medicines for treating bacterial infections. They play a vital part in modern medicine and dentistry.
When taken incorrectly or overused, bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics. This means antibiotics may not work the next time you need them. When antibiotics for serious bacterial infections stop working, lives are lost.
Antibiotics and Dental Care – How Can I Help?
Maintaining a healthy dental routine helps prevent oral infections that require antibiotics. Eat well, brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly. These are all important steps in preventing dental disease.

Antibiotic Resistance Video
Sometimes you need antibiotics, but what if you don’t? When you use antibiotics too often or incorrectly, bacteria can develop resistance.

Preventing Infection Video
Antibiotics fight and prevent infection. They revolutionized modern dentistry. But there are other effective ways to prevent infection.

Antibiotics and Dental Care Fact Sheet
Learn more about the use of antibiotics in dental practice, and why they may not be needed for every condition.

Say Naah Poster
A poster suitable for dental offices, community centres and other public locations. Open up and think twice about antibiotics.

Your Dental Health Website
Your Dental Health is a public education program of the BC Dental Association (BCDA) providing general dental information.

Penicillin Allergy Fact Sheet
Did you know that half of all penicillin allergies go away within 5 years? Learn more about why penicillin may still be the right choice even if you have been told you have an allergy.