Antibiotic Facts

Antibiotic Facts: British Columbia

Graphic image with text. Nearly a quarter of Staphylococcus aureus infections tested in BC are methicillin-resistant (MRSA). In BC, adults over the age of 65 are prescribed 1.6 times more antibiotics than adults under 65. Since 2014, there has been a 300% increase in the number of British Columbians detected carrying the bacteria resistant to carbapenems, one of the most powerful antibiotics that exist.

Did you know?

With the increasing use and misuse of antibiotics, bacteria are becoming more resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat them, and in some cases, infections are becoming more difficult to treat.

BCCDC monitors trends in antibiotic resistance and antibiotic utilization in BC to help understand areas of improvement and areas of concern. View the interactive dashboards at BCCDC Antimicrobial Resistance & Utilization.

Antibiotic Facts: Canada

Graphic image with text. In 2018, 5400 deaths in Canada were related to antibiotic resistance. That's almost 15 deaths a day. Antibiotic resistance cost Canadian hospitals approximately $1.5 billion in 2018. Community-based methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections have nearly doubled since 2012.

Did you know?

Antibiotic resistance cost Canadian hospitals about $1.4 billion a year according to a 2018 report by the Council of Canadian Academies. If no action is taken, this amount could increase to almost $120 billion over the next 30 years.

Each time we avoid using an antibiotic inappropriately, it’s an opportunity to prevent antibiotic resistance and reduce the strain on our health care system. See the full research report When Antibiotics Fail from the Council of Canadian Academies.

Antibiotic Facts: Worldwide

Graphic image with text. Around 240,000 people worldwide due from drug resistant tuberculosis every year. There have been no new major antibiotics developed in the last 35 years. Infections from antibiotic resistant bacteria cause twice as many deaths than those from non-resistant bacteria.

Did you know?

Continued misuse and overprescribing of antibiotics have dire consequences for our health care system. Two reports in 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that the lack of new antibiotics undermines efforts to combat drug-resistant infections.

New treatments alone will not be sufficient to combat the threat of antimicrobial resistance. The World Health Organization is calling for a global effort to preserve the effectiveness of our current treatment options.

See the WHO news release here: Lack of new antibiotics threatens global efforts to contain drug-resistant infections (January 2020).

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