Antibiotic Resources for Educators

Lesson plans for a variety of age groups are available to teach students about the basics of antibiotic resistance and the importance of handwashing. Teachers, early childhood educators, public health nurses and other educators in British Columbia can request free print materials and teaching kits to complement the lesson plans at the links below.

Lesson Plans

If you use the lesson plans, please let us know! Report your teaching back to Antibiotic Wise at the link below. 

Child Care Lesson & Activities

Healthy Habits and Handwashing – A lesson plan for child care-aged children that introduces germs and teaches the six steps of handwashing.

Kindergarten-Grade 3 Lesson Plan

Handwashing and Health – A lesson plan for children in kindergarten to grade 3 that teaches the difference between bacteria and viruses, and the six steps of handwashing.

Grade 4-6 Lesson Plan

Bacteria and Handwashing – A lesson plan for children in grades 4 to 6 that teaches about antibiotics, the differences between bacteria and viruses, and the six steps of handwashing.

Grade 8 Lesson Plan

Antibiotic Resistance – A lesson plan for students in grade 8 and above that teaches about the microbiome, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance.

Grade 8 Presentation

A presentation that can be used alongside the grade 8 lesson plan to teach about the microbiome, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance.

Additional Resources

Additional teaching resources can be found on the Do Bugs Need Drugs website.



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