5 Search Results

Showing results 1 – 5 of 5.

Health Care Professional Resources

…to raise awareness about penicillin allergy. Clinical Tools & Guidelines Bugs & Drugs Visit the Bugs & Drugs website Download on the App Store Download on Google Play Bugs &…

Public Resources

…print materials. ORDER PRINT MATERIALS Guide to Wise Use of Antibiotics Booklet with information on antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, and managing common illnesses. Short Guide to Wise Use of Antibiotics –…

Antibiotics FAQ

…have side effects? A Medicines like antibiotics can have side effects. Upset or sore stomach and loose stools are common complaints and do not mean you are allergic to them….

Educator Resources

…childhood educators, public health nurses and other educators in British Columbia can request free print materials and teaching kits to complement the lesson plans at the links below. ORDER TEACHING…

What Are Antibiotics?

…first commercially available antibiotic became available. Most antibiotics we use today were discovered between 1940 and the 1960s with very few new antibiotics under development since. What Are Antibiotics and


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